How to setup pagination using MongoDB and Django
In your file...
import urllib.parse username = urllib.parse.quote_plus('username') password = urllib.parse.quote_plus('password') Mongo db setup. from pymongo import MongoClient client = MongoClient('mongodb://%s:%s@localhost:27017'%(username,password)) db = client.ubuddy
Let us write a function which will take letter and page number as inputs...
def show_docs(request,letter,page_no)
Let us initialize a list which will contain the records to show on the site
records = []
For a give letter such as a, we want to show all the records starting with a on page 1, below code builds a Python regex to do that
session_pat = re.compile("^%s"%letter, re.IGNORECASE)
Next we want to decide on each page how many links we want to show. I am showing 20 links here.
skipno = (int(page_no)-1)*20
Now we want to query MongoDb and get first 20 documents that I would show on page 1. Before I limit the number of docs to 20, I need to sort them. Here is how to do that...
docs = db.session_info.find({'slug':session_pat}).sort("slug",-1).skip(skipno).limit(20)
Now you loop through the docs and do any post processing, you need to do that. In my case I have data spread between different collections so i need to query different collections.
for doc in docs:
record = {}
session = doc['session']
key = {'session':session}
session_main_info = collection_sessions.find_one(key)
session_ss_info = collection_ss.find_one(key)
if session_ss_info and session_main_info:
record['slug'] = doc['slug']
record['use_slug'] = session_main_info['use_slug']
record['user'] = session_main_info['username']
record['session'] = session
Now I have the records list ready. Lets calculate how big your pagination will be for a give letter. You query mongoDB for the total number of docs and divide it by 20.
no_of_docs = db.session_info.find({'slug':session_pat}).count()
no_of_pages = int(no_of_docs/20) + 1
Now you just to build the context and return context
context = {'letter':letter,'no_of_pages':range(1,no_of_pages+1),'records':records,'page_no':page_no}
return render(request, 'paginate.html',context)
Here is the complete code...
def show_docs(request,letter,page_no):
records = []
session_pat = re.compile("^%s"%letter, re.IGNORECASE)
skipno = (int(page_no)-1)*20
docs = db.session_info.find({'slug':session_pat}).sort("slug",-1).skip(skipno).limit(20)
for doc in docs:
record = {}
session = doc['session']
key = {'session':session}
session_main_info = collection_sessions.find_one(key)
session_ss_info = collection_ss.find_one(key)
if session_ss_info and session_main_info:
record['use_slug'] = session_main_info['use_slug']
record['slug'] = doc['slug']
record['user'] = session_main_info['username']
record['session'] = session
no_of_docs = db.session_info.find({'slug':session_pat}).count()
no_of_pages = int(no_of_docs/20) + 1
context = {'letter':letter,'no_of_pages':range(1,no_of_pages+1),'records':records,'page_no':page_no}
return render(request, 'paginate.html',context)