How to install Vim8 and enable Python3 Support On centos
Make sure you have following libraries installed
yum install checkinstall mercurial python-dev python3-dev ruby ruby-dev libx11-dev libxt-dev libgtk2.0-dev libncurses5 ncurses-dev
Now clone the vim git repo
git clone
cd vim
Replace following with /usr/lib/python3.4/config-3.4m-x86_64-linux-gnu with Python version you have
./configure \
--enable-cscope \
--enable-gnome-check \
--enable-gtk2-check \
--enable-gui=auto \
--enable-multibyte \
--enable-perlinterp \
--enable-python3interp \
--enable-rubyinterp \
--with-compiledby="Senor QA <senor@qa>" \
--with-features=huge \
--with-x \
--with-python3-config-dir=/usr/lib/python3.4/config-3.4m-x86_64-linux-gnu \
make & make install
You might run in to following errors...
checking for ruby... no
configure: error: could not configure Ruby
Then install ruby first using following tutorial - install ruby on centos
To fix following error
configure error: X is not found
install following...
sudo yum -y xorg-x11-server-devel libX11-devel libXt-devel vim-X11 xorg-x11-apps xorg-x11-xauth xorg-x11-server-common python3-devel
Now open the vim and make sure Vim is compiled with Python3 binaries by running following command inside vim
:pythonx import sys; print(sys.version)
You should see something like this...
3.7.1 (default, Dec 14 2018, 19:28:38) [GCC 7.3.0]
That means python3 is enabled